Chapter 102: Three Hours!

Every person had nine silver needles pierced into their chests!


The moment the silver needles pierced the acupoints, they began to tremble and emanate a golden light, shocking everyone present!

At this moment!

The astonishment in everyone's hearts was beyond words, and their eyes nearly popped out!

Even Pollard Lee stood there like a wooden post, dumbfounded!

Joseph Hans was even ready to kneel down in excitement!

Lionel Yeager's bone-setting skills had reached their peak!

But they never expected Lionel Yeager's acupuncture skills to also reach their peak!

Performing acupuncture on six people simultaneously, how strong must his control of acupuncture skills be to achieve this?

This was not just random pricking and then it was over!

This required an extremely high level of concentration and mental power!