Chapter 112: Creating Opportunities!

Lionel Yeager did not hold back, and recounted to Julia Stewart the events of the day.

However, Lionel Yeager intentionally concealed the deeds of Pollard Lee, in order to prevent Julia from overthinking.

After hearing Lionel's narration, Julia Stewart's beautiful eyes widened in surprise, "Good heavens, you did all that in a single day? You've been busier than me, what with apprehending criminals and saving lives."

Lionel Yeager said helplessly, "Perhaps this is what they mean by 'with great power comes great responsibility'."

Julia Stewart teased, "Yes, yes, yes, you are the most powerful in the whole world, you think you are Superman, and the whole world is waiting for you to save it?"


Lionel Yeager was at a loss whether to laugh or cry, he didn't expect Julia to joke like this.

He shook his head and changed the topic, "By the way, Julia, it's almost six o'clock, aren't you going to finish work?"