Chapter 117: Let's Watch the Commotion!

The words had just been spoken.

A female reporter directly asked, "President Stewart, today you are holding a New Product Release conference for East Beauty Pharmaceuticals, but until now, there hasn't been a single attendee arriving. What do you make of this?"

Julia Stewart responded, "Even if no one comes to participate, this conference will still go on as planned. After all, the main purpose of our holding this conference is to introduce the efficacy of our company's new product!"

"President Stewart, are you confident in the new product of your company, and does it have a chance to rescue your company's declining state and compete with Prosperity Pharmaceutical?"

A male reporter also asked.

Julia Stewart, with a firm gaze, responded loudly, "I am very confident in our company's new product! I believe that our company's new products can definitely compete with Prosperity Pharmaceutical's products, and regain the market!"

However, just as Julia Stewart finished speaking.