Chapter 168: Relying on Luck!

Virgil Faris was completely dumbstruck, collapsing onto the ground, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

Jared Harper was so angry that the veins on his forehead bulged, and his lungs almost exploded!

He originally wanted to mock Lionel Yeager today and step on him to make him kneel and call himself Grandfather!

But who would have thought that the thirty-six raw jade stones that this kid randomly picked would all turn green, and even produce twelve top-grade jade stones and twenty-four high-quality jade stones!

This was undoubtedly a slap in the face, a severe slap in the face!

At this moment, Steven Levin opened his mouth wide and didn't say a word for a long time.

He really didn't know what to say.

If one or two pieces turned green, it could be attributed to luck.

But when all thirty-six pieces turned green, it was more than just a matter of luck.

Even Shridan Jenkins felt the pain.