Chapter 194: The Perkins Family of Three Rivers!

Prajna Bates was instantly furious, "Can't your so-called young master understand human language?

We said, we don't want to drink with him. Leave!"

Julia Stewart also said unhappily: "Take the check back!"

The black suit man's face darkened and said, "You two should think it over. If you offend our young master..."

"Get lost!"

Lionel Yeager's eyes turned cold, and he shouted.

The black suit man wanted to speak, but when he caught Lionel's icy gaze, he couldn't help but shudder all over.

Swallowing, he picked up the check and left.

After the black suit man left, Julia picked up her bag and said, "Let's go."

She didn't want to stay here any longer to avoid unnecessary trouble.

However, as soon as Lionel and his companions walked a few steps, a group of people walked over and blocked their way.

At this time, people in the winery were all curious and looked over.

"Beauties, don't be in such a hurry to leave."

A handsome young man in a black casual shirt said with a smile.