Chapter 230: He is South Protection King's Junior Brother!

Lionel Yeager didn't conceal anything, and told Sheridan Jules and the others what happened tonight.

After listening to Lionel Yeager's words, Sheridan Jules and the others immediately understood what happened.

Sheridan Jules shouted at Denny Winslet, "What the hell are you hiding outside for? Get your ass in here!"

Denny Winslet was so frightened that he trembled all over and hurriedly ran in.

Sheridan Jules slapped Denny Winslet with a sudden force, causing him to stagger and fall onto the ground. He roared angrily, "You damn bastard, are you blind? You even dared to offend Mr. Yeager!"

Denny Winslet cried with snot and tears, begging for mercy repeatedly, "Dragon Master, I was wrong. I really realize my mistake!"

Then, Denny Winslet apologized to Lionel Yeager, "Mr. Yeager, I'm sorry. I won't dare to do it again. Please forgive me!"