Chapter 239: A Hero Emerges from Youth!

Lionel Yeager saw the situation and shouted, "Continue the transfusion!"

Elinda also gave the order: "Continue the transfusion, 500 milliliters!"

Smith and the others didn't hesitate and immediately carried out the order!

In a short while.

"Transfusion completed!"

Smith reminded him.

Lionel Yeager nodded, and his right palm faced the patient's heart. The True qi was mobilized instantly, bursting out with a powerful suction force!


Just then, the shrapnel remaining in the heart area finally flew out!

After doing all this, Lionel Yeager let out a sigh of relief and said, "It's done. The shrapnel in the patient's lungs, kidneys, and heart has been removed completely!"


Only when the last piece of shrapnel fell into the tray and made a sound did all the doctors in the operating room wake up!

"My God, this isn't just a miracle, it's a divine miracle!"

"Heavens, so traditional medicine can actually perform surgery!"

"I'll never forget this operation in my life!"