Chapter 326: Start to Break Through!

"You heal first, I'll look around and see if this ancient great power left anything else."

Lionel Yeager said and then started roaming around.

He wanted to see if the ancient great powers, who once cultivated in this place, had left any cultivation techniques or magical treasures here.

However, after strolling around several times, Lionel Yeager found nothing, except for a few faint ancient characters on a wall.

Lionel Yeager stared at these lines of ancient characters for a long time, but couldn't decipher anything.

He sighed and shook his head.

It seemed the passage of time was to blame.

Even if the ancient great power had left something here, it had been eroded by time.

However, since Main Country could find a cultivation place left by an ancient great power, East Nation, and other countries might find similar places as well.

If he could find a few more in the future, he would indeed gain a great opportunity.