Chapter 369: Profound Despair!

Around 9 o'clock in the morning.

Divine River Garden.

No. 8 Villa.

Julia Stewart and Prajna Bates were having breakfast.

But at this moment.

News alerts popped up on both their mobile phones placed on the table.

Julia picked up her mobile phone, her face suddenly changed.

She hurriedly said, "Prajna, quickly turn on the TV and tune in to the news channel!"

"Sister Stewart, you want to watch the news?"

Prajna looked puzzled, then ran to the living room, grabbed the remote control, turned on the TV, and tuned it to the news channel.

On the TV, the morning news was being broadcasted.

"Dear citizens and friends, around nine o'clock last night, River City suddenly experienced a mass poisoning incident!

From last night until this morning, several children were sent to River City Central Hospital for emergency treatment, but as of now, there is no sign of their condition improving!