Chapter 371: He Never Lets Us Down!

Soon after, Lionel Yeager took a pen and paper, wrote a prescription, and handed it to Joan Holman.

He reminded them, "There are a few medicinal materials that are difficult to find, so you'll need to put in some effort."

Joan Holman patted his chest and said, "Master, don't worry, even if we have to search the entire River City, we will find all the medicinal materials!"

Lionel Yeager nodded and said, "Good, don't delay, set off immediately!"

Joan Holman and the others nodded and hurriedly left.

"Mr. Yeager, what should we do next?"

Laird Tennat asked.


Lionel Yeager uttered the two words and then took out a silver needle box and placed it in Bardon Bard's hand.

After opening the silver needle box, he constantly mobilized the true qi within his body and waved his right hand forcefully!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In an instant!

Eighty-one silver needles flew out of the box and hovered in the air!