Chapter 403: Danger Level: S Level!

As the king of assassins in the Dark World!

Olena Sean's news release instantly made the front page headlines of the darkweb the moment it was published!

Blood-red letters comprised the entirety of the darkweb's homepage!

Moreover, because Olena Sean herself released this news, within just a few minutes, the darkweb updated Lionel Yeager's danger level again!

A few minutes after the news was released!

The darkweb homepage once again displayed a line of blood-red text!

East Nation lad Lionel Yeager, Danger Level: S Level!

Soon after.

A tremendous storm was triggered throughout the entire dark world, provoking an unprecedented earthquake!

"Have you all seen the news? One of the Four Kings of Assassins, the Jade-faced Slaying God, was actually defeated by a kid named Lionel Yeager from East Nation!"

"My goodness, this can't be real, right?! It hasn't been long since this kid slaughtered fifteen assassins, and now he's defeated the Jade-faced Slaying God?!"