Chapter 469: Sarah Warren Seeks Help!

As soon as the phone was connected,

an outgoing laugh from Boris Moore came across.

"Little Brother Yeager, you did a great job on the last mission!

The Eight Huge Tower was destroyed, and the four old fellas guarding the tower were killed!

And being able to heal Solomon Talbot and the others overnight and get them to return safely is really remarkable!

For this mission, you deserve the most credit!"

Lionel Yeager replied, "Big Brother Moore, being able to successfully destroy the Eight Huge Tower and kill those four old fellas is entirely due to the collective efforts of everyone."

"You're too modest."

Boris Moore laughed and said, "Solomon Talbot and the others have already told me that without you, they might have not made it.

But after this mission, everyone has completely submitted to you.

Even the hardest to please, Lucy Franklin, has submitted to you, praising how amazing you are."