Chapter 476: Ready to go through fire and water, without complaint!

"Mr. Yeager, we were wrong, we were really wrong!"

"Please forgive us once, please forgive us!"

"We were blind and led astray when we committed treason, we dare not do it again!"

The presidents of the thirteen major commerce associations pleaded with tears, begging for mercy.

Lionel Yeager did not look at these guys again, just waved his hand and spoke lightly.

"Kill them."


The fifteen presidents who accompanied him stepped forward and executed the thirteen presidents.

The sight of the thirteen presidents being executed made the rest

Members of these thirteen associations pale-faced and trembling.

The South Protection King was already ruthless enough.

But now they found out, this young man is even more ruthless than the South Protection King.

Thirteen presidents, killed as soon as they said.

At this time, the members of the thirteen associations were stunned for a while, and then began to beg for mercy frantically.