Chapter 499: Unparalleled Divine Doctor!

Once Han Pengcheng had taken his seat.

Yang Luo took out a box of silver needles and took out one from it, "Mr. Holt, I will now perform the 'Qingnang Divine Needles', so watch closely!"


Malcom Hodge nodded continuously, his eyes fixed on Yang Luo's hands without blinking.

Mabel Hodge did the same, not daring to blink for a moment.

Yang Luo also stopped speaking, focusing his entire being and concentrating his energy.

After all, the eyes are one of the most complex and delicate organs on the human body, connected to numerous meridians.

What he had to do now was to activate the dead meridians in Han Pengcheng's left eye.

Therefore, he could not afford the slightest carelessness.

After mobilizing the True qi within his body, Yang Luo swung his right hand!

"The first strike causes the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth to live!"

With a soft shout!
