Chapter 511: Slaughter the Thugs!

A command boomed!

"Berserk Axe King" Guggar, "North Sea Zen Master" Taylors, "Southern Domain Sword King" Basar!

"Bloodthirsty Gun King" Kandos, "Unparalleled Stick King" Weston, "Mountain-splitting Axe King" Adawei!

These six masters launched together to attack Lionel Yeager!

Seeing these six masters attacking together!

Not only did Lionel Yeager show no fear, but he was excited beyond measure!

He laughed wildly, shouting, "Finally, you've decided to come all together?

Good, watch how I slaughter you trashy nobodies all at once!"

Before his words fell!

Lionel Yeager's figure flickered, he was shrouded in golden light, his eyes were shining brilliantly like a wild dragon, and he charged up to attack!

Right when Lionel Yeager charged towards the six masters!

The remaining Black-clothes Josephs, along with twenty other disciples of the Elephant Country Martial Alliance, also sprang into action and charged towards Lily Tisdale, Bardon Bard, and Prajna Bates!