Chapter 531: Identifying Medicine Blindfolded!

Stellar Entertainment Group.

President's Office.

Nancy Maddox is reviewing documents.

Knock knock knock.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Nancy Maddox replied.

The door was pushed open.

Assistant Silvia Warren rushed in with her mobile phone.

"President Maddox, big news, really big news!"

"What big news?"

Nancy Maddox asked curiously.

Silvia handed her mobile phone to Nancy Maddox, "President Maddox, take a look at this. It's a live broadcast from Prosperity Square! Mr. Yeager is challenging four traditional doctors from Sakura Country!"

Nancy Maddox hurriedly took the phone and began watching.

A few minutes later.

Nancy Maddox stood up, "Assistant Warren, let's go, we're going to Prosperity Square to support my Big Brother Yeager!"


Silvia Warren was stunned for a moment, "We have a meeting later..."

Nancy Maddox said, "Postpone it!"


Silvia Warren reluctantly nodded her head.


South Cofffe Shop.