Chapter 552: Invitation from Slaughter God Temple!

Indeed, it's no wonder he has been the fastest in history to rise from a C-class dangerous person to an S-class dangerous person in the Dark World!

Truly powerful and terrifying!

All the killers hidden in the shadows had this thought.

At this moment!


With a muffled explosion!


Evil Butcher was directly blown away and fell into the Rhine River!

However, during his falling flight, he tumbled in the air a few times before landing stably on the water's surface!

Lionel Yeager leaped forward, running wildly on the waves and charging towards the Evil Butcher!

Seeing Lionel Yeager coming fiercely!

The Evil Butcher didn't hesitate at all and rushed towards Lionel Yeager!

On their way towards each other!

Massive waves rose up one after another in the river, creating a spectacular scene!

In a blink!

Both crossed dozens of meters and were close again!

The Evil Butcher stomped down fiercely, his sturdy body soaring into the sky!

After jumping into the air!