Chapter 608: Mysterious Black-robed Man!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Piercing sounds of air being torn apart filled the air!

These weapons condensed from black energy were terrifying in their destructive and killing power!

"Master, be careful!"

The warriors behind him called out in alarm.

"Kill him, kill him!"

Dewitt, standing behind the ten black-robed men, shouted excitedly.

However, facing the overwhelming onslaught of black-energy weapons!

Haward Hans stood proudly in the front without dodging or retreating!

His body trembled, mobilizing the True Qi continuously within him, emitting dazzling white-gold light, clenching his fists, and punching one after another!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of terrifying explosions resounded in the night sky!

The black-energy weapons were shattered one by one and turned into bursts of energy, shooting out all around!

After destroying those energy weapons, Haward Hans charged and rushed towards the ten black-robed men!