Chapter 629: Being Targeted!

Advertisement "','"[CDATA[Flynt Lockwood laughed: "That's true, if it wasn't for Brother Yeager, my life might have been long gone."

Cyril Clancy, Joseph Hans, and Vernon Steel were all amazed.

Master never let them down.

Even Lily Tisdale, Bardon Bard, and Prajna Bates who had been following Lionel Yeager were deeply shocked!

Such a large area of decay, such a big birthmark, all eliminated in such a short period of time!

"This... this is impossible!"

Elvis Hyde was dumbfounded, shaking his head vigorously as if he had seen a ghost.

Elijiah Hyde, on the other hand, was both resentful and jealous. He hissed, "Damn it! This kid's medical skills are so powerful!"

Bella's face had healed completely, and there were no traces of decay or birthmarks anymore. It was soft, smooth, and fair, like a freshly peeled egg.

At this moment, Bella looked like a little angel, both cute and beautiful.