Chapter 771: Is it Bad to be Alive?

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, a week had passed.

In this week, everyone's cultivation has made breakthroughs.

Lily Tisdale and Bardon Bard stepped into the intermediate stage of Martial Saints, Prajna Bates stepped into the Grandmaster Great Perfection.

Nicholas Lester and Nash Macklin stepped into the Martial Saint Great Perfection, Benjamin West stepped into the Late Stage of Martial Saints.

As for Ivy Chaplin and the other seven sect leaders, they have also made breakthroughs.

However, after their cultivation broke through, Lily Tisdale and others intended to continue to try to break through, but they were unable to do so.

Therefore, everyone gradually woke up from their meditative states.

Only Lionel Yeager and Reginald Weston had remained motionless.

Nicholas Lester said with a smile, "Congratulations to everyone for their breakthroughs in their cultivation!"

Nash Macklin laughed and said, "The same to you!"