Chapter 773: The Day of Breakthrough!

Hearing that.

Everyone on the rooftop raised their eyes and looked at the dessert shop.

Indeed, Meggie was no longer inside.

They looked around, but still couldn't find Meggie's figure.

"What's going on? The little girl was just in the dessert shop, how did she suddenly disappear?!"

"How could a living person disappear under our noses? Where did she go?"

Everyone looked at each other, very puzzled.

Just then.

A soft, cute voice came from the opposite building.

"Are you looking for me?"

Hearing the voice.

Everyone was first taken aback, then turned their heads violently to look at the opposite building.

They saw a petite figure in a princess dress standing on the opposite rooftop, smiling at them, looking harmless.

They were all stunned!

What was going on? The little girl had just been in the dessert shop hundreds of meters away, how did she suddenly appear in front of them?

It's only been a few minutes?

Moreover, how did the little girl find out about them?