Chapter 783: One against Two!

Reginald Weston twisted his waist and stepped on a huge rock in the air!

Using the recoil, he once again soared into the sky, rushing to attack Paul Sean on the nearby mountain!

"Reginald Weston! I'll fight you to the death!"

Paul Sean let out a roar, gripping his long sword tightly, and continuously swung it at Reginald Weston in the sky!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

One sword after another furiously slashed out, the power of the sword increasing with each swing, as if it would split mountains and destroy everything!

Giant swords rained down from the sky, and countless small swords formed sword tornadoes that swept through the air!

Reginald Weston changed his fist into a palm and slapped it out!

"Nine-layer Heavy Prison Palm!"

As the palm struck, its power violently surged, and the sky seemed to collapse amid a series of explosive booms!

The overwhelmingly terrifying, Black Gold giant palm burning with flames crushed everything in its path!