Chapter 822: Unless God Descends!

"Then I will do as you wish!"

Lionel Yeager nodded and took a step forward, turning into a golden light, rushing toward the War Sky Wolf King!

The War Sky Wolf King didn't hesitate either, his figure flashed, and he charged wildly!

In an instant!

The two closed the distance and simultaneously threw a punch!


A golden giant fist and a black-red giant fist collided heavily, erupting with a thunderous explosion!

The entire square trembled even more violently!

The Eiffel Tower also shook more fiercely!

Dazzling and blinding light shot into the sky, illuminating the night!

Grandiose and vast energy burst out like a torrential mountain torrent!

Surrounding the square, the light barrier condensed violently, trembled, seeming like it would shatter at any moment!

At this moment, the onlookers outside the square were dumbfounded, trembling all over!

"Oh my god, this is all too real, it's not like a movie at all!"

"Are these people really human, why are they so powerful?!"