Chapter 830: Top Ten Masters!

After returning to their room.

Julia Stewart said, "Lionel, I'm going to take a shower."

"Go ahead."

Lionel Yeager smiled and nodded.

Once Julia went into the bathroom,

Lionel suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him.

He lay down on the bed, feeling too tired even to keep his eyes open.

Helpless, he had first fought battles against War Sky Wolf King and the Goddess of Fate tonight.

Then, he had helped Carlton change his destiny.

He had spent too much energy, leaving him feeling extremely exhausted.

Just as he was about to fall asleep,

a phone call suddenly came to his mobile phone.

He took out the phone and saw it was from Reginald Weston.

Why did Brother Sean call all of a sudden?

Lionel answered the phone with a puzzled expression.

"Brother Sean, what's the matter calling me so late?"

Lionel asked.

"So late?"

Reginald Weston was taken aback and asked strangely, "Isn't it daytime right now? How can it be late?"