Chapter 839: Accepting the Trial!

Hearing this.

Qi Yutang and others, as well as Miao Tianhong and others, finally let go of their oppressive auras and breaths.

After all, Wudang is the number one major sect in the ancient martial world today. If they were to upset Wudang, they really wouldn't be able to bear the consequences.

Miao Tianhong bowed to Li Daochen and said, "Brother Li, I propose that we execute these fellows on the spot to set an example!"

"These people are disrespectful and have threatened Sect Leader Miao. They deserve to die!"

"As long as we kill these guys, it can set an example for others and also put an end to the turmoil in the ancient martial world!"

Duan Fuhu and Meng Tianchuan, who had a good relationship with Miao Tianhong, also stood up and demanded the execution of Qi Yutang and others.

"You must not kill, you must not kill them!"

Wudang elder Luo Jingchen hurriedly ran out.

"If you kill them, it will cause big trouble!"

Kunlun elder Feng Datong also ran out.