Chapter 864: Fifth Senior Sister!

At the same time.

On the stage of the sports hall.

A foreign male host holding a microphone enthusiastically said, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Kingdom Sports Hall for Miss Stern's concert!

This is also Miss Stern's first concert after bidding farewell to the entertainment circle for half a year. I am honored to accompany everyone through this wonderful night!

No need for me to introduce the legend of Miss Stern, you all know her well!

Her smile is like an angel's!

Her singing voice is heavenly!

She is the goddess who descended into the world!

She is the favored child of God!

Now, please welcome our International Queen, Gina Stern!"

Soon after.

A countdown began on the big LED screen above the stage.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

All the people in the audience started counting down together, their hearts pounding with excitement.

The sound grew louder and louder, echoing through the night sky.

Until the countdown reached "1" in an instant!