Chapter 1012: Lifesaving Grace!_1

Lilith exclaimed in astonishment, "My goodness, Mr. Yeager has identified all of my father's problems in such a short time?!"

Catherine was equally shocked, "This kid really does have some skill, he even detected the excess Energy within the Clan Leader's body!"

Nick and Bruch both looked at Lionel Yeager with new respect.

It seemed that this young man's medical skills were indeed impressive.

The Dark Baron asked excitedly, "Mr. Yeager, can you really cure my father?"


Lionel Yeager gave a firm reply.

"Great, that's really great!"

The Dark Baron was overjoyed, "Mr. Yeager, please start the treatment as soon as possible!"

Lionel Yeager nodded, then said, "Dark Baron, take off your father's shirt."

Although acupuncture could be performed through clothing, it was still better to ensure the best effect by removing the shirt.


The Dark Baron responded, then proceeded to remove Augustus's shirt.