Chapter 1093: One Sword Against Ten Thousand People!_1


"Those who cross this sword shall be killed without pardon!"

This sentence, like a declaration from a God, echoed in everyone's ears, shaking their very souls!

Bardon Bard was also boiling with excitement, shouting loudly, "Listen to what's called domineering!

This is called domineering!"

Karen Glover and the others were so frightened that their legs went weak, nearly falling to the ground!

They no longer dared to move forward!

If they moved forward again, this kid might really kill them!

Kim Martinez said with an unwilling face, "Elder Glover, Elder Tolkien, Elder Levin, Elder Gordan, can you really not kill this kid?"

Karen Glover shook his head and said, "Just relying on us, we are probably unable to kill this kid!

To kill this kid, we need to call more people over!"


Kim Martinez nodded and said, "Then I'll inform other teams to come help right now!

I also request the four elders to contact other sect leaders, and ask them to help too!"

"No problem!"