Chapter 1100: Dignity Swept the Ground!_1


The Mythical country.

On the north shore of the Aegean Sea, the region of Mount Olympus.

Row upon row of mountains rose and fell majestically, commanding and spectacular, reaching into the clouds.

In myth and legend, Mount Olympus was the dwelling place of the gods.

And now, it was the headquarters of the Heavenly God Hall.

Only, because a barrier had been put up, outsiders were unaware of the secrets it held.

At this moment.

It was late at night.

Illuminated by the moonlight.

There were three figures leaping across the mountains.

Soon, these three figures landed on the highest peak.

Under the moonlight, it was clear to see that these three figures were the three great Gods of the Heavenly God Hall.

The Flame Overlord, the Earth Overlord, and the Deep Sea Lord.

Upon reaching the mountain, they waved their right hands lightly.

A mysterious formation appeared beneath their feet.

The array activated, its light flickering, runes floating.

Seconds later.