Chapter 1136: Heading to the Divine Court!_1


Time flew by quickly.

In a blink of an eye, one week had passed.

During this week,

Lionel Yeager stayed in River City, spending quality time with Julia Stewart and also solidified his own cultivation.

One week later, in the morning.

Divine River Garden.

No. 8 Villa.

Lionel Yeager, Julia Stewart, Lily Tisdale, Bardon Bard, and Prajna Bates were having breakfast.

Julia Stewart teased, "Lionel, I really didn't expect you to stay in River City this long. You're making progress!"

Lionel gave a dry laugh and said, "Qing Mei, I'm going to have to leave River City again soon to take care of some business."

"What?! What kind of business? It's not dangerous, is it?!" Julia Stewart immediately tensed up.

She was genuinely frightened by Lionel's past endeavors.

Lionel smiled and said, "Don't worry, there won't be any trouble. I'm just going to visit a few old friends.

Once I'm done, I'll come right back."

"Really, there won't be any trouble?"