Chapter 1139: Space and Time!_1

But before Lionel Yeager could react,

the King of the Holy Prison swung his hand down again!

Only to see, thousands of giant spears, each hundreds of meters long, formed from the waves that soared into the sky around the small island and shot towards Lionel Yeager from all directions!

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh!

Each of these sea wave giant spears carried the might to destroy heaven and earth, shooting towards him as if to completely obliterate Lionel Yeager!

However, in the instant that these sea wave giant spears shot towards him,

Lionel Yeager shuddered all over, letting out a thunderous shout!

"Incinerate Eight Wastelands!"

In an instant,

streams of Golden Flames burst forth from his body, sweeping towards all directions!

Thrum Thrum,

The flames collided mightily with the sea wave giant spears, sounding like rolling thunder, reverberating throughout the entire Divine Emperor Island!

Within just a few seconds,
