Chapter 14: Comes Death And A New Life Was Born

Kotori's POV:

"Good... You're back."

I barely heard Riku's voice behind me. When I turn around, I was horrified when I saw blood coming out of his mouth, nose, eyes, and the hole in his stomach. I stand up, mustering all my strength and I staggered all the way towards him. When I got closer, I hugged him, bringing his head close to my chest as my tears drips down on his pale face.

"You... you idiot! We could've just find another way!" I exclaimed

"There's... no... other way. If... if we did that... then you all will end up... dead. I just... wanted to... protect you... I've promised you, didn't I?" He replied weakly.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" I sobbed.

An idea popped inside my mind all of a sudden, I didn't hesitate kissing him on the lips. I was hoping for my powers to be sealed inside him, so it can resurrect him again like last time during our first date after we got attack. When I pulled back, I noticed that my spirit form didn't disappear, also no purple flames appeared around Riku's body.

I kissed him again, but this time, deeply. When I pulled back, I realized is not working anymore. I gritted my teeth as tears came pouring down like waterfall.

"Why isn't this working?!"

"It's alright Kotori."

"No it's not! I won't give you up!"

I felt a cold hand brushed against my left cheek to wipe away the tear, I took the hand and hold it tightly.

"It's okay... It's... okay..." He muttered.

His voice turns weak to weaker until all that remain is silent. His cloudy eyes remained open, I shake him and call out his name to wake him up, but I received no response.

Desperation and despair overtook me.

"Wake up! Please wake up! Riku, please don't do this to me!" I cried out.

I glanced at my friends. Kurumi and Origami are trying their best to avoid looking at this way, while Tohka and Yoshino are embracing each other with tears in their eyes. Suddenly the Yamai sisters with a barely recovered Miku and Natsumi arrived at the scene, they look around to see what happened and they are in shock to find Riku is lying lifelessly in my arms.

My brother approached us with eyes filled with sorrow.

"Reine will open Fraxinus' warp soon. Once we arrived back home, we will make a proper burial for hi-"

"Burial?! I can save him! I can bring him back! I just need more time to seal away my powers inside him! We don't need to bury him, he's just unconscious!" I raged, cutting him off from his words.

"Kotori! He's gone! ...Look?! He sacrificed himself to save all of us, to save our world and his! Don't make his sacrifice in vai-!"

"He's not fucking dead!!!" My eyes glow faintly red. "He's alive, I tell you! ...I can save him... I can..."

It gets really hard to talk as the painful realization came crashing down into me. I should just stop pretending that I can save him, no matter what I do or say, he's not coming back again. I couldn't care less when my brilliant white kimono and my hands have been stained by his blood, I only want to hold him for one last time.

A minute later, a flash of yellow light suddenly appeared out of nowhere, the light manifested into a ball that glows brightly before it expands itself, and turning into warp gate.

"Fraxinus." My brother mumbled before saying. "Kotori, it's time to leave. I'll help you carry his body."

Without looking at him, I slowly stand up, trying to fight through the pain of my body while carrying Riku in my arms. Being a spirit though, you possessed some amazing abilities including superhuman strength, but still, you are not invulnerable to heartache and trauma.

All of us approached the warp gate, and each of us entered it. The first one to step in are the spirits before Shido following behind them. I'm about to enter the warp gate, but I stop at first to take a quick look behind me, everything turned into ruins from one powerful storm. In the distant, I heard a loud noise of what sounds like heavy vehicles approaching the area accompanied by multiple loud sirens. With that, I quickly entered the warp, finally leaving this dreadful place.

"It looks like there are still many people here survived ..."

"We didn't get a chance to explore around this world, so it is unknown just how massive the damage that Azrael's invasion has caused... I think that this world has a chance to recover, but it will take years to rebuild it..."

"What about me? ...Will I ever recover? ...Fighting that angel traumatized me, going inverse, not to mention, I lost a loved one."

4 weeks later...

*Knock! Knock! *

"Kotori?! ... Please come out, you haven't eaten in 3 days!"

I'm lying on my bed, covered in my blanket when my brother keeps knocking and calling me outside the door. It's been 4 weeks since we've returned back home -- and in our return, we immediately held a funeral for Riku. During that day -- no songs were sung, no tales were told, and all of us were just standing outside under the crying sky with a heavy burden inside our chest while the casket of the fallen hero is slowly descending down the soaked earth.

"Hey Kotori?! ...All of us are getting worried about you! And I... I... I-I miss you! ...So please... please come out, just for once!"

My hands clenched the blanket tightly only to relax again when I heard him walk away from the door. I can hear his muffled footsteps growing faint when he descended down the stairs, until all that's left was pure silent.

Sighing, I slowly sat up and set aside my blanket before looking around my darken room, but not too dark thanks to the lucent light of the full moon. I stand up from my bed and walk towards in front of the mirror. Sitting on the small chair, I turned on the small lamp, it only illuminated the area of where I'm sitting. When I look at myself in the mirror, it didn't surprise me when I saw my puffy eyes with dark circles and bags appearing under my lower eyelids.

Suddenly, I feel like vomiting, it feels like everything around me is spinning. Maybe it's because I haven't eaten any meals in these past few days? Probably.

"M-Maybe I should just eat tonight." I mumbled whilst holding my head with my right hand.

I slowly stood up from my chair and that's when my vision became funny, I'm seeing two images of everything around me as I walked towards the door. My shaking hand grabs the door handle. After opening it, I immediately collapsed at the spot.

I couldn't hear my own breathing -- heck, I didn't even hear the door creaked. The last thing I heard before blacking out is the sound of white noise.

"Big brother, help me..."

Shido's POV:

I was sitting on the sofa, watching some soap opera to distract my mind from my sister's condition. I think I already tried everything that I could think of to make her come out of her room, but nothing seems to work. I'm not saying that it's bad not to come out of her room though, I know how she feels and I can understand that she needs time to mourn for her loss, but it's unhealthy to shut herself out of the world. It didn't help when she stops eating, I saw the meals that I'm always leaving outside her door remains untouched every time I'd passed by the hallway at the second floor.

Suddenly, I heard a loud thud coming from upstairs like someone has jumped out from the bed.

"Could that be? ...Did she finally come out of her room?"

Excited, but also worried at the same time, I decided to go check on her. I turned off the television and exited out from the living room. Before I head upstairs, I called out.

"Kotori? Are you there?"

No answer.

I started to think that it was just the wind that force one of the windows shut, but I think it's better to investigate – that was too loud, it could have damaged the window from that force. So, I took a step over the stairs quietly. When my head got a full view of the 2nd floor, I gasped sharply when I saw my sister lying on the floor with her face planted on the ground.

I quickly run up to her and when I turned her to face me, her clothing is stained by the food that I've left outside her door earlier.

"K-Kotori?! Wake up! ...Hey, wake up! ...Are you okay?! Did you trip on your food?! ...Hey!"

I shake her body furiously, hoping she responded

"Damn it, she isn't waking up!"

I pick her up, and carry her to the living room. I swiftly took my phone out of my pocket which it drops to the floor due to my shaking hand, but I quickly pick it up and dialed Tengu hospital which they answered in no time.

"Help please! It's my sister!"

Kotori's POV:

I groaned out as I slowly regained some consciousness, I felt a little tickle when something soft brushed against my legs, arms, and the side of my cheeks. When I opened my eyes, I got a full view of the starry sky. I stared at it for a few minutes, and I saw two shooting stars; one is milky white, and the other one is purple.

After some minutes passed, I slowly stood up and I realized I was lying in a bunch of grass. I look around me and was shocked, I gasped when I saw the scenery that surrounds me. What's in front of me is a vast land of grassy plains that's illuminated by the faint light of the lunar celestial body. Not only that, but the place has a combination of grasses and lavender flowers with some trees swaying in the wind.

"This is... This is the spirit sanctuary! H-How did I ended up here?!"

In front of me, a blinding flash of light appeared out of the blue, forcing me to cover my eyes with both of my arms. When the light faded, I immediately glanced back to see what's going on, and there it is, my blood boils down when I saw a familiar figure looking back at me with a frown on her face.

"Rinne..." I growled, and stomped towards her. "You! ...You! Why?! Why did you use him?!"

I raised my hand; palm wide open before bringing it down to her face with full force, earning a loud slap that sounds like a snapping wood.

"That's for him! ...If... if I can just use my powers here, I won't hesitate to turn you into ashes right now!"

I clenched both of my fists as hard as I could that blood started to form, and drips down from it. I look at her shocked reddening face, I was waiting for her to make a move but she didn't do anything, instead, she let her tears out and sobbed. This got me riled up.

"You crying?! ...After using him, you're crying?! You think crying will atone you from your sins?!"

To my surprise, she suddenly holds my shoulders, and pulled me into a tight hug.

"No, it won't bring him back! No, it will not fix everything that I did!" She cries out. "But, using him?! I will never do that... Kotori, this is the only way to stop the angel. I-If we don't, both of your and Riku's world will come to an end."

I gritted my teeth.

"You're probably right, or this is just your alibi to protect that adopted child of yours." I replied bluntly.

She let go of me, and look at me with a shocked face.


"Why are you looking at me like that? You think I didn't know?" I look at her with glaring eyes. "You use him, hoping he's the one who can bring that child back, right?

"N-No... o-of course not..." She stuttered. "D-Don't drag Tsukiya into this!"

"Why shouldn't I?! It was your carelessness and mishandling that killed that child! And now you used an innocent human being to get rid of the mess you've made?! ...You are really fucked in the head! You bi-"

*SMACK!!! *


I was shocked. I put my left hand on my left cheek as I felt a burning sensation. After returning back to my senses, my blood boils as I clenched my fist and cock it back, ready to cripple her. When I'm getting ready to hit her, multiple vines spurted out of the ground, strangling my movements.

"Pl-Please Kotori, just hear me out. I don't wanna fight you!" She cried-out. "Yes, I'm the one who told Riku how to stop Azrael, but I tried to stop him! I did! ...But he didn't listen!"

She broke down in tears, and she added. "Th-This is his decision Kotori; he knows all the risk. I-I thought he would back out, but no, he wants to free the world... And you said that I just used him to bring Tsukiya back?! So, where is he huh?! Where is my son?! ...He's dead! DEM killed him!"

She screams and cry for her child's name, hoping he could hear her yearning for him. I gasped and breathe in deeply as the vines around me loosen its grip, they slowly slither back down to the earth, burrowing underground like earthworms.

"I-I would never use him... I would never do such a thing. So, please forgive me, I never want this to happen." Rinne said between sob.

I look at her. The mighty ruler, now a broken spirit.

"No, I won't forgive you. Even if I did, it won't bring him back." I said quietly.

I heard a sound of a glass breaking, I looked up the sky to see the heaven's forming cracks everywhere. I glanced back at Rinne who finally stood up, she looks at me with her puffy eyes and smiled shakingly.

"It doesn't matter if you forgive me or not, I understand what you feel Kotori and it's not easy to move on... But you will always be my friend, remember that... Thank you."

With one last drop of tear, she finally vanished in a flash of light. That's when the earth starts shaking, and my knees give in. I closed my eyes, and all the fun memories with Riku came into play; from the day when we first met, and to the final day that I've hold him one last time.

A few moments later...


My eyes lazily open, and my blurry vision caught a view of a white ceiling.

I sighed and spoke. "Huh? ...Where am I?"

I tried to get up, but my body feels heavy. I examined around the room that I was in to see what's going on.

"This is a hospital? Why am I here?"

I heard the door opened and came the sound of a person's footstep.

"Good, you're awake."

A familiar sleepy voice spoke up.

I groaned as I struggled to sat up. In my side, I saw both my black, and white ribbons -- I guess Reine placed it here when I was still unconscious. I pick up the black one and wore it, putting on my commander mode.

"Reine? ...What the heck happened to me?"

"I think you hit your head hard after you collapsed, and now you can't remember anything."

"That didn't answer my question."

She went silent for a few seconds before sighing. "There is something that you need to know."

"What's that?" I stared at her.

Before she can speak up, I heard the door creaked again. Looking at the door, my brother entered the room this time with a serious look on his face.

"Reine? Have you told her yet?" He said in a serious tone.

"Ah Shin, just in time, I'm just about to tell her."

"Then spit it out already!" I exclaimed.

My brother sat beside me, looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Kotori... the doctor said you're pregnant."

My eyes and mouth shot wide opened as I felt chills run through all over my body.

"Pregnant?! D-Did I just heard that correctly?!"

Shido continued. "The doctor also said they will let you decide to keep the baby, or abo-"

"I'll keep the baby... I know what you're gonna say, and I'm not going to let someone, even me, hurt him or her!" I immediately spoke up before my brother can complete the word that I don't want to hear.

"Wh-What about your studies, and your job as a commander?!" Shido said in surprise.

"Are you deaf? I said I'll keep the baby!" I glared at him, making him flinch a little.

I sighed before continuing. "I'll have Kanazuki to take in charge at the ship for now. And for my studies? I have no choice but to quit school."

"How about mom and dad?" Shido said worriedly.

"Then I'll just have to tell them." I crossed my arms, faking my confidence.

After my strength return, all of us exited out the hospital, Reine decided to guide me and Shido back home safely. When we arrived home, we said our goodbye to Reine before I head back upstairs to my room. I locked the door behind me, and sat on my bed, letting my mind wander off.

"How will mom and dad react to this?! I need some advices, I'll talk to Reine tomorrow."

Reine, she acted like a mother figure for both me and my brother when I first step in as the commander of Ratatoskr's ship, Fraxinus. Even though she looks really sleepy, she's always by your side every time you need her.

5 years later...

*KNOCK!!! KNOCK!!! *

"Mom! Mom! ... Come on, wake up! Dad is waiting for us!"


I fall from the bed when a loud knocking sound was heard, it's like someone is punching the door down, geez.


I groaned out from pain and annoyance. I glanced at the clock and it says, 6 o' clock. Most kids are still asleep during this time of the morning, but not my daughter, especially if she's excited seeing her father.


"W-Wait! ...I'm coming! I'm coming!"

Untangling myself from my blanket, I slowly lifted myself up and lazily walk towards the door. When I open it, I came face to face with a 5 years old girl looking at me with her crimson eyes unamused. This little girl, she's wearing a black shirt, a mini black skirt with red streak, and a black ribbon that's tying her dark red hair into a ponytail.

"Geez mom, you're just like a bear that's on hibernation."

"Give me a break Amai, mommy is tired from commanding Fraxinus you know?"

"You can retire, and let me handle everything, if you want to?"

"Ummm... I don't think that's a great idea." I look around the room awkwardly, I can feel her glaring at me.

I break the awkward atmosphere and spoke. "Anyway... how about you wait for me downstairs? I'll be down there in a jiffy."

Amai rolled her eyes before turning away from me, her light footsteps lightly thumping while she's descending down the stairs. I sighed, realizing my daughter pick up my commander persona, now there's a kid that's gonna boss me around every time I do something idiotic. I guess this is what my brother's feel during those past years being stuck with me.

After a few minutes, I headed downstairs to the living room. After arriving, I saw my daughter sitting in front of the television while holding a lollipop in front of her face, ready to gobble it. I dashed in front of her, causing her to jump back and her lollipop to almost fall from her mouth. I tried to take the lollipop out, but she immediately bites down hard on it.

"Mmmmnnnnn!!!" She struggles.

Both of us have a little tug of war, but I quickly gave up. Also, I'm worried that I might hurt her if this continue.

"What did I told you about eating sweets in the morning?" I put my hands on my waist.

"Geez mom, don't say like you've never done anything like this before?" She shot me with an annoyed look, causing me to blush brightly.

"W-Well... yeah I did, but I don't want you to pick up my bad habit!" I exclaimed while blushing furiously.

I relax and spoke. "Anyway, come, let's have some breakfast. We don't wanna keep your father waiting."

Amai smiled and hopped out of the couch to join me in the dining table. After a long minute, we've cleaned the table, washed the dishes, and got ready to head out. When we exited the house, I hold my daughter's hand while we walk down the side walk that's stretched towards our destination. While we walk, we bumped into two familiar faces.

"Uncle Shido! Aunt Kurumi!"

My daughter let go of my hand as she sprinted towards my brother and the girl wearing a black gothic dress. The sight of them laughing together really makes my heart flutter, I approached them and my brother greeted me with a warm smile.

"It's been so long little sis, how are you?"

"I'm doing okay, how about you and Kurumi?"

Speaking of, the black-haired girl approached us with Amai holding her hand.

"Ara~! Is that you Kotori-san? What's my dearest sister-in-law been up to?"

"It's Riku's birthday today, me and Amai are planning to visit him. Do you guys wanna come with us?"

"We love to Kotori-san, but we're going to the hospital today..."

"What?! ...Why?! What happened?!" I look at her worriedly.

"Oh, nothing much." She chuckled. "We're just... well... expecting."

My eyes widened, and I felt like my heart is going to jump out of my chest. With my daughter though, she cocked her head, she's still too young to understand of what's going on right now.

"I- I don't know what to say, congratulations!" I hugged her which she returns it back tightly.

"Thank you." Her voice choked up, I felt something wet dripped down on my shoulder.

"She's crying?" I hold her tightly, savoring this moment.

It's been years since I accepted her as my brother's chosen girl -- it's hard to believe that she's been my enemy in the past, and now she turned into my sister-in-law. Some of the others though, they didn't take it well, but even though it's really hard, they learned to accept of what it is to make Shido happy.

Both of us let go of each other. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

"My, this is embarrassing. This is the first time you saw me in tears." She said with a chuckle.

"Hey Kurumi? We need to go." Shido suddenly spoke up.

"Oh yes!" Kurumi was surprised when she realized they are almost late with their appointment. "Well, we must be going now Kotori-san, Amai-chan; I hope the both of you have an enjoyable day. Also, tell Riku I wish him a happy birthday."

"Hah! We will Aunt Kurumi!" Amai said gleefully. She walks beside me, and hold my hand again.

The four of us said our goodbyes to each other before we part ways. Me and Amai resumes our walk towards our destination. It's such a calming walk; the trees are dancing in the breeze, some of the people are jogging and walking their pet dogs, and there aren't many cars around.

I inhaled deeply, and exhaled slowly. I look at my daughter who is just enjoying her lollipop, she really reminds me of myself when I was young. After walking for a long minute, we've arrived in front of a large black steel cage. Just on top of the cage, there's a sign that reads "Tengu Cemetery."

"We're here." I pushed the gate open, making a loud squeaking sound.

"I don't like cemeteries, but it's dad's birthday today so..." Amai hold my hand tighter.

"It's okay my dear, I will protect you."

We began to walk and passed several graves. In front of us, a large gravestone covered with black onyx gemstones came into view. We approached it and the grave reads... "Miyamoto Riku, the bringer of hope in both worlds."

"Happy birthday dad! Sorry for keeping you waiting!" Amai suddenly spoke up.

She continues. "Hey dad! Guess what, there's gonna be a swimming tournament at school next week, and I'll be joining! ...I promise you this! I'm gonna win that shiny gold medal, and leave it here as a gift for you! ...Oh, Also, aunt Kurumi said happy birthday!"

I chuckled at her, I'm very thankful that even though she hasn't met her father, she has some sort of a close bond to him. I guess bond by blood really do find its way, heck, it'll be amazing if Riku is communicating with her inside her dreams, but I think that's impossible... or is it?

I felt a tug on my right hand.

"Huh? What is it Amai?"

"Mom? Do you have anything to say to dad?"

I look at the gravestone, showing little sorrow. I sat beside the grave, and brushed my hand softly against the black stone.

"No, I don't think there's anything much to say. Your dad already knows it all, he's been watching and protecting us without us seeing him." I said without taking my eyes off the gravestone.

I stand up, and hold my daughter's hand before saying. "We're done here, come, let's go home."

She looks at me with a slight worry look. With one final glance to Riku, we walk down pass the graves, and towards the gate, closing it behind us. Together with my daughter, we walk back home without a burden inside my chest as I have a promise that I've been holding on to.

"Someday, when the time comes, we will meet again. But first, I need to take care of our daughter. I need her to be stronger, and smarter than me so she can defend herself from the danger that the world will bring. Once that is finished, I could finally join you Riku... So please, wait for me."