Divine Dreams Part 2

Tuzi's mental health had improved dramatically during these days in the dream-scape. No longer did she harbor the illusion that Feng was waiting for her by the River Lethe. 

Getting proper rest had done wonders for readjusting the truth of the circumstances to the rabbit shifter. It was a sad reality that she had lost her community of family and friends, but she had come to endure it bravely.

Even when dealing with the loss of Feng…

Moon wondered about Tuzi's heartbreak though. Even after so much time has passed, the woman refused to speak of it. As if the subject was a wound still too raw to touch upon.

The Goddess could only wait patiently, for when it came time that the rabbit shifter felt comfortable enough to open up about her feelings again.

"My Lady…?" Tuzi's voice chimed softly, as if asking for permission.