The Mystery of the Voice

A contemplative crease furrowed across the God of Humanities' brow as he stroked his chin. The surprising scene he had just witnessed, reflected in the shimmering surface of the Mortal Mirror, lingered in his mind as he replayed the event over and over again. 

He had gained Genesis's permission to use his Mortal Mirror for investigative purposes. This meant that the divine artifact would obey Cedric's commands for now.

Upon gaining access to the mirror, he directed the ancient object to show him the whereabouts of this mysterious Werebear King. But alas, after the mirror shifted through different colors and images, it projected nothing back to him.

The behavior of the magical artifact was similar to how Moon had described her circumstances, when she had commanded her own Mortal Mirror to show her the Werebear King. No projection returned from her direction.

Was this Werebear King really capable of crossing between realms?