Then There Was Another One

Though Tuzi had managed to shed Golun as a suitor, with the arrival of the refugees, she gained many more. At every corner the rabbit shifter turned, there was a new man there, singing her praises or offering her gifts. 

There was never a shortage of men available to lend a hand, when Tuzi was reaching for something on a tall shelf and couldn't reach it. 

Every morning, as soon as she woke and left her tent, there were already pails of fresh milk ready for her consumption, courtesy of besotted men.

The part that really annoyed Oyuna though, was when grown men arrived for literature lessons from the Goddess Tuzi, and took the seats in the front of the classroom tent; Effectively blocking the women and children from being able to see up front. The wolf girl wanted to twist each and every one of their ears, then drag them out of the classroom. But alas, her brother Aydin told her to be civil for diplomatic reasons.