A Celebrity

Realm of Gods

A heartbeat after leaving his grand estate, the Sky God stood before his Sanctum. The distance from home was short, as even in his younger days as a "new born" god, the deity appreciated the convenience of having his work close. Therefore when conjuring his Sanctum, he molded the space to be as close as possible, to the site of his home.

As the sacred building loomed into view, the Sky God stood for a moment studying the classical arches and grand columns of the structure. The walls were practically glowing as they were molded using a material that was akin to star crystals. The brilliance from the Sun shimmered off the royal building and its beautiful gardens like it was a palace formed from the purest of light– Framing it in an ethereal glow.

They don't create buildings as grand as Sky's Sanctum any longer. And even during the early days when they did, none were as beautiful as this one.