The Carnage

Tuzi seemed to glide rather than run– Her feet barely skimming the earth. Her body streaked by in a blur, defying the laws of gravity at a speed unmatched by another in the Mortal Realms. 

Panic-stricken, she raced after the Silver Moon warriors, driven by a desperate hope to reach them before disaster struck!

Though in her heart, she knew… That familiar sinking feeling which clenched and twisted her insides painfully. She knew something happened to them!

She could only hope that she wasn't too late…!

Unlike what happened previously…

Tears blurred her vision and she banished them away with her sleeves. The rabbit shifter knew that she mustn't allow her fears to overrule her senses. It is imperative that she keep her mind sound so she may respond proactively!

Perhaps she still had time! Perhaps she can still save them!

She won't give up yet!

They needed her…!

Taiga needed her!