The Agonizing Search

The battle concludes in a gory spectacle as Aero's raptors eradicate the remaining rogues, leaving behind tiny bit scraps of their existence. Such defiance of a patron deity warranted their complete annihilation. 

Let this be a reminder to other creatures, the consequences of such blasphemy.

Oyuna and Golun arrived at the blood-washed battlefield, just as the God of Air led his flock of raptors away. Even from a distance, Oyuna's light gray wolf spied the dark fleet of aerial predators dispersing from the scene– Permitting the sun to shine its rays upon the planet once more.

Did the gods have a hand in this…?! She wondered with a sinking feeling brewing within.

Her stomach was in knots, worrying incessantly over the fate of her friends– No. More than that. Tuzi, Bayar, and Taiga were part of her family now! She could not imagine life without them! The thought of their being in danger wreaked havoc upon her sanity!