Concealed Feelings Part 2

The Moon Goddess did not know what to say. She was used to the condemning and cynical stares but receiving this type of consolation, acknowledgement, and acceptance from her peers was not the norm. She opened her mouth but there were no words. 

She was unsure how to respond.

Eureka, flashed the Moon Goddess a brilliant grin as he half joked clumsily to alleviate the tension in the room, "Don't expect an apology out of me. I was always on your side. What type of Innovations God would I be, without any species to invent for? You saved my life then. I will always be indebted to you. I guess if I have to be sorry for something… I'm sorry for not saying it to you enough, so that you knew where I stood on it… And that I have and will always support you."