Unknown Cruelty

Present Time - God Realm

As the bitter memories of the past gradually faded from their minds and their vision adjusted to the present– Each deity sat with downcast eyes in solemn silence, allowing the weight of the moment to really sink in.

Though a handful of the deities previously heard that the Goddess's marriage to the Emperor Houyi was a tempestuous one, few had actually known how cruel the man was to her.

Seeing someone they had grown up with, whom they view as a close friend, battered and beaten so helplessly without any provocation was intensely difficult to watch.

Every one of the alpha gods present were tall in stature and built like a gladiator. Moon was much smaller in size… As a Goddess with enhanced strength, she could hold her own in a fight against any man, creature, or god. Her speed, skills and strategy was unmatched!

She was one of the fiercest battle gods in the history of the Realm!