Leftover Flesh Wounds

Taiga was quick to settle her down again, as he gently pressed upon her to lay still. "My Tuzi, I assure you– I am doing well now. Much better than I was a week ago. My shifter healing was hard at work too. These are mostly just flesh wounds that are leftover."

The expression upon the rabbit shifter's face was one of distress, as her fingers lightly drifted over a few of his bandages. 

She was nearly tearful!

"But these… look… painful…"

The concern written on her face tugged at his heart. Gently brushing her cheeks in an attempt to calm her, he assured her once again. 

"Really now… A week ago, when I woke up in my quarters, I was in such a sorry state. Broken bones, crack ribs, torn flesh… Bite marks everywhere… I was having a difficult time breathing. Even blinking my eyes hurt."

Licking his dry lips, the man decided to continue his story with less gory details, as he could see it was bothering his mate even more.