The chaos that erupted from within scattered his emotions in every direction. Yet still his emerald eyes would not shift from the vision of his Goddess's soul orb sitting neatly at the center of the Underworld God's palms.
Sky nearly lost his mind at the sight of Hel's finger curling possessively over Moon's soul. "WHAT ARE DOING?!!! Let her go! You have no right to claim her! She is an Alpha Goddess! Only our Father can make the judgement to send her to Hell!"
His broken voice screamed of his desperation to retrieve the Goddess. He could not think of mustering any kind of diplomatic words to soothe his brother into releasing her.
Sky would retrieve her from Hel's clutches with brute force if the man dared harm her essence!
The Dark Lord had his eyes trained onto the glowing sphere within his grip. It was fascinating to feel so much power brewing at the tip of his fingers. It would be so easy to just…