Chapter 2- I Won't Die:


It Was A Gray And Cloudy Day, And The Rain Was Pouring Down In Sheets, As If A Faucet In The Clouds Was Left Open. Trevor Was Walking To School, But They Were Afraid In Fear Due To The Bullying He Was Being Subjected Too As His Teachers Merely Ignored His Pleas For Worse Punishments For The Bullies.

The Rain Made Things Seem More Mysterious And Scary, Like There Might Be Bad Things Hiding Out There. But Still, The Trevor Knew That They Couldn't Stay Home, They Would Miss Too Much School.

So They Gathered Their Courage And, Umbrella In Hand, He Then Picked Up The Pace As He Walked Towards School Towards School Because Of The Freezing Cold Rain.

As He Arrived His Hair Was Soaking Wet Dripping From The Stem Of His Hair To His Mouth It Appeared The Umbrella Was Quite Useless But What Could He Do When His Mother Has Struggles With Money.

"I Guess Another Day At School... All I Need Is Good Grades And That's It, As Well As Avoiding Them" He Spoke To Himself Taking A Deep Breath Hoping Today Would Be Smooth Day. However The Problems Were Already Right Behind Him.

Three Boys Stood Behind Him, A Tall One Which Has His Eyes Hidden By His Hair, One Which Was Chubby As well As Being Black Haired And The Last (Which Was Supposedly The Ring Leader) Was Short With A Red Raincoat As He Had A Piercing Under His Lip.

"Well Well Well... Ain't This Just The Shocker, Old Trevor Seemed To Ignore The Warning Of Not Coming Back Into School... You're Funeral I Guess Haha" The Short One Laughed Hysterically At Him While Pointing At His Face. "Come On... Guys I Don't Want Any Problems Why Don't We Make A Truce?" He Stuttered Ending His Plea With A Gulp.

"A Truce? With A Nerd?" He Laughed Even More Loudly. The Short One Shakes His Head Before Snapping His Fingers As The Two Others Grab Trevor By The Arms, Trevor Struggled Side To Side Like A Fish Caught In A Net However It Was Futile These Boys Were More Stronger Than Him By A Long Shot.

The Short One Cracked His Knuckles Before Tensing Up His Fist "This One Trevor Is For Snitching On Me Because I Threw Gum In You're Hair" The Short Said Coldly Before Punching Him In The Face Leaving A Small Bruise On His Cheek As Trevor Coughed. "Stop... Please" He Begged With His Eyes Flooding With Tears. "Shut It... Hmm Let's Try Two More?" He Asked Sarcastically.

Trevor Shook His Head Aggressively While Tearing Up, "No Please Stop... Stop This!" He Wailed. However Just Before The Short Bully Was About To Land Another Hit A Girl Stood In Front Of Him A Short Girl With Short Yellow Hair And Golden Eyes. "Lincoln... You Know Full Well One More Offense Of Bullying Will End Up In An Exclusion" She Shakes Her Head Scolding Him.

"Fine Go Look After That Weak Pig... See If I Care... Oh And Trevor I'll Finish You Later When You're Girlfriend Ain't Protecting You" Lincoln Laughed With A Wink Before Gesturing The Two Other Bullies To Follow As They Left The Girl Tended To Trevor.

"Are You Ok?" She Grabbed His Cheek Examining His Bruise As She Touched It He Grimaced In Pain. "Hmm Come With Me I'll Get You An Ice Pack" She Helped Him Up With A Smile. "Oh My Name Miko" She Introduced Herself As She Held His Hand Trevor Could Feel This Hand Getting Warm He Was Questioning Why She Was Being So Nice.

As They Started To Walk Through The School Hallway, And The Gray And Cloudy Day Was Suddenly Replaced By The Harsh And Bright Artificial Light Of The School.

All Around Them Were Other Children, Also Walking To Their Classrooms.

It Seemed Like A Never-ending Line Of Students, Each Wearing A Uniform And Each With The Same Destination In Mind.

However, Even Though They Were All Walking In The Same Direction, Everyone Was Walking At Their Own Pace, Some Walking Slowly And Others Walking Quickly. They Did However In The End Arrive At The Nurses Office.

As They Entered It Was Surprisingly Empty, But That Didn't Deter Miko As She Explored The Many Drawers. She Eventually Stumbled Upon An Ice Pack And Handed Him It As Trevor Placed The Ice Pack On His Cheek He Instantly Got A Tinge Of Chilly Sensation On His Cheek. "Thanks Miko" He Smiled Sheepishly.

"Oh No Problem And If Those Idiots Ever Bully You Tell Me And I'll Teach Them A Lesson" She Nodded Before Patting His Back Which Caused Trevor's Body To Blush Entirely. "Anyway Get To Lesson I Don't Wanna See You In Detention" She Giggled Cutely. Trevor Nodded As He Left The Nurses Office Soon After.

The Day At School Was Very Dull And Uneventful. He Thought Maybe This Day Would Get Better However He Only To Found Himself Sitting In Classroom After Classroom Listening To Lectures And Working At Their Desks.

Lunch Was Boring And Bland, And Even The Recess Seemed Dull. Trevor Wanted The Day To Be Over As Soon As Possible, But Time Finally Came To An End Which Brightened Him Up A Little. However Walking Home Was Going To Be The Next Challenge Due To The Bully Trio.

As He Left The School Building He Scanned The Outside Making Sure They Weren't Looking For Him, To Him It Seemed Like He Was On A Spec Ops Mission Hiding From The Guards. As He Carried On Walking Checking Right, Left And Back In Fear Of Them Appearing. However He Suddenly Felt Something Under His Foot Causing Him To Land Face First Into The Ground, When He Looked Up His Worst Fears Were Right In Front Of Him.

"Well Isn't This A Surprise You Should've Ran Home" Lincoln Smiled Before Grabbing His Hair And Lifting Him Up By The Head Trevor With Wincing In Pain. "Hmm You're Girlfriends Gone... A Shame However I'm Just Gonna Finish My Punches How Does That Sound?" He Smiled Before Throwing Him To The Ground He Pinned Him Down With His Knees, As Knees Pressed Down On His Arms Making Him Immobile. Trevor Closed His Eyes And Prepared To Take It.

Then After An Hour Of Punches He Was Let Go As The Three Bullies Disappeared Off Into The Distance. As He Got Up He Felt His Cheeks Swollen And Bruised, His Lips Were Busted As He Could Only Taste The Sensation Of Blood On His Teeth Now. As He Got Up With A Stumble He Made His Way Home.

As He Walked Into The House All He Could Smell Was A Putrid Scent Which Was Probably Coming From Heaps Of Unwashed Dishes As His Mom Was Asleep On The Couch. As He Walked Into The Bathroom Touching Face And Examining The Bruises He Broke Down Into Tears.

"Why God... Why... I'm Not A Bad Person! Why Subject Me To This Torture!" He Yelled Before Punching The Mirror Leaving A Dent Before Walking Upstairs With A Couple Of Plasters On His Face And Going To Bed. Hopefully Tomorrow Will Be Better.

The Next Day At School, Miko Handed Him A Charm With A Beautiful Red Crystal In The Centre Of It. "This Is For You So You Don't Forget About Me" She Smiled Before Winking And Walking Off, "I Have To Go To A Meeting But Meet Me At Dinner" She Waved Before Disappearing Into The Crowd However Trevor Stood Tearing Up At It As Tears Fell Onto The Necklace His Expression Cold And Deadpan.

As He Entered The Male Toilets, He Stared At Himself Through The Mirror. "Mom I Know If I Do This I'll Break You're Heart... B-But I Can't Go On... I Can't Handle This Eternal Suffering" He Yelled With Tears In His Eyes And The Sorrow Was Filled Up To His Throat Making Him Choke.

He Took Out A Knife And Smiled As He Saw His Reflection In The Blade, "Maybe In Another Life... Maybe Just Maybe I'd Be Happy But Not Here" He Stutters. Before Moving The Blade As Slicing His Throat As Blood Sprayed On The Mirror As He Fell Motionless In A Puddle Of His Own Blood.

However He Opened His Eyes And Woke Up In The Same Room However He Felt Different... Much Different Like He Was Different In A Way. As He Looked At His Reflection In The Mirror It Appears He Became An Exact Copy Of The Doug Model Only That It's Misses It's Left Arm, It's Right Leg Has A Visible Endo, As well As It's Right Hand Having An Endo Visible Too.

It's Appeared He Was Mostly More Bulky Than The Original Doug Encased Entirely In Black With Only It's Teeth And Eyes Coloured White. "I've Become Doug... But How.. Was It That Necklace?" He Examined His Body With His One Remaining Arm In This Form.

"But I Feel... I Feel Stronger... I Feel Encased In Rage" He Laughed Maniacally However This Time It Sounded Like An Audio Glitching Sound. Then The Three Familiar Faces Entered The Bathroom... The Bullies. Lincoln Looked In Utter Shock As He Looked At The Shadowy Version Of A Doug Model.

"Trevor?... Is That You?" He Moved Backwards In Horror Along With The Other Bullies As They Started Sweating And Shaking. "Oh... You Could Say I Became Stronger And I Finally Realized Why I Was Always Tortured... " He Paused. "Why's That?" Lincoln Answered With A Deep Gulp.

Suddenly The Door Locked, As One Of The Bullies Went To Open It As They Tugged On The Door It Was Useless. "Hmm The Only Right Answer Was Killing You..." He Laughed Maniacally. "Kick His Ass Now!" Lincoln Pointed At Him As The Bullies Moved Towards Him In Fear.

As One Charged For Him Shadow Doug Punched Him Through The Gut Killing Him Instantly As A Black Liquid Dripped Through The Hole In The Bullies Stomach. The Other One Screamed In Rage And Attempted To Strike Him As He Thrusted His Fist, Shadow Doug Teleported Behind Him And Grabbed Him By The Head Slamming His Head Against The Sink Cracking It Instantly As Blood Dripped From His Forehead As He Layed Motionless.

Lincoln Looked Back At The Shadow Doug In Fear, "Come Trevor Let Me Off I'll Swear That I'm Never Gonna Do This... " He Nods With A Nervous Shadow Doug's Eye Twitched As He Heard This. The Shadowy Entity Then Tensed Up His Fist Causing Lincoln To Be Lifted Up Via Telekinesis.

As The Shadow Doug Tensed Up His Fist Lincoln Could Feel His Airwaves Being Crushed As He Coughed In Agony And Pain However That Wasn't All He Could Feel A Black Liquid Flooding His Stomach, This Liquid Dripped Out His Nose First As He Started Coughing Aggressively.

Shadow Doug Then Released His Fist From The Tensed Up Position Causing Lincoln To Fall Onto The Ground As He Did He Vomitted The Black Liquid Up Which Killed Him Instantly As He Choked On This Unknown Fluid.

"The Deed Is Done No I Can Rest" He Smiled Sighing However Then In The Mirror He Saw An Old Victorian Era Old Man As He Looked Back He Was Now Face To Face With This Random Old Man However There Was An Uneasy Feeling About Him.

"Don't Fret, I'm Not Here To Hurt You I'm The One Who Actually Gave You The Powers" The Old Man Explained With Shadow Doug Responding With A Confused Expression. "You... Helped Me.. Thank You I Owe You One" The Shadow Doug Nodded. "But You See I Wanna Make You A Deal, See I Know You Like Giving A People A Taste Of Their Medicine So Join Me And We Can Make The World A Better Place" The Old Man Announced And Lent His Hand Out To Him.

"This Will Be A Contract I'm Willing To Take" Shadow Doug Nodded Before Shaking His Hand. "By The Way What's You're Name?" He Asked Out Of Curiousity. "My Child, People Simply Know Me As The Tall Man" He Answered With A Fancy Tone, This Was Now An Eternal Contract However A Fair One In Trevor's Eyes.