Beginning of the journey

( Time Skip: Almost 7 and half year later)

It has been almost 8 years, next month is my 12th birthday. Somewhere around that time I should be able to get OFA. Even though I wished for it, I don't know how I will get it. So, I am not sitting like duck. During these years my hulk physic soared my strength to almost 80% that of MCU hulk. Even though it is not as exaggerated like the comics it is still strong. Almost on the level if some mid tier super strengthening quirk. I also awakened my Observation Haki at the age of 6 and I can now sense an area with 75 meter radius around me. Over these years I have not only trained my physical aspect but also trained in kung fu, boxing and taekwondo. I am not like those fanfic protagonist who can just master 10 or 20 martial arts just by looking, I had to practice hard. I also had to hold back to not arouse suspicion. I mean in mha world if suddenly a guy appears whose strength reaches that of a mid tier strengthening quirk without having a quirk at the age of 11 or 12... Yeah it is suspicious. I only used 30% of my true strength. My masters knows that I am a talented ( previous life combat experience) and hard working quirkless disciple with a natural stronger than average physic. I also discovered in this world in every gym and dojo there is a quirk and non-quirk training course.

I also showed my mother my intelligence ( I mean I was a university graduate in my previous life) and my singing talent. My mother is not fat like original as she knows even without quirk I am strong. Though she worries about me, I never let her become fat. I mean I am a 5'9" lean ripped handsome guy at the age of 12, so why should my mother look ordinary. Just like original I also enrolled in Aldera Junior High. But, I was never best friends with Bakugou, even before our quirk awakening we were never best friends like canon. We are acquaintance whose mothers are best friends. As I never followed Bakugou like a lost puppy like the cannon ( dude... even though I am Izuku now, I always think was canon Izuku was gay for Bakugou) he was not aggressive. But when he tries to bully someone I stop him. First 3 times when these happened he tried to beat me up with his lackeys I made them eat dust. Then,I would go to the principal myself while staining my clothes with dust, give him my cutest puppy eyed jutsu and would say that bakugou's gang tried to bully someone and I defended, so they tried to bully me and I used the self defence I learned to ran away. I mean thus society is so quirk biased that who would believe a quirkless child beat up 3 quirk child. So, the principal would end up calling the parents of bakugou gang.

In the middle school vecause of my looks and strength I was popular among girls. In my school I am the most handsome guy. Some boys or even seniors tried to 'teach me lesson' out of jealousy or my quirkless status. But they would soon find out I am not weaker than a quirk person. I would always keep a video proof about these confrontation so that nobody could frame me and to proof that my act of violence is just self defence. After 3 months of frashmen year in middle school I applied for grade skip and passed the test directly promoting me to last year.So, this is my last middle school year. In front of the teachers and student I am a quirkless but rather talented, intelligent, handsome, confident, polite, kind, heroic, strong. I had to work hard and endure discrimination to earn my names. One thing I found about bakugou is that he is not disgusted with quirkless people but with their weakness. But even though I am quirkless I always defeat him in fights while relying only on physical strength and martial arts. Because of which Bakugou is furious about me. He sees me as a obstacles to surpass. In his view if he can't even suroass a quirkless how can he become number 1 hero. But no matter how he tries he cannot surpass me in anything but quirk. But thus also drove him to train and work hard because of which he is already as strong as entrance exam bakugou from canon at the age of 12.
