Catalyst of Change (1)

The world is more and more different than ever, day after day.

Every day, new technology are being developed, new discoveries are being made, and… new possibilities are emerging.

Your usual day starts by preparing to go to university. You are a freshman in the second semester.

You wait up the buss and head on to university.

As things looks like, on the way you see some things what became the new normal in this city you call home.

"Changeee", despite not feeling like it...

"Everything is changing so damn fast. I remember... like it was, yesterday we were having fun in the park what was there. Now, now...there's nothing left of it. I understand the thing, change has to come, but come on.."


"Give me a break!".

From the place I live till the place I study, there are fragments like this one, finished, in development and places what have not even heard of an upgrade in eons.

At least I hope today's going to be an easy day.

"I wish…"

Today's topic was making every neuron of mine, screaming. Too much for me :(

As the time passed, you find yourself back home sitting and staring out the window, watching the world as it is.

The world it's changing faster than ever.

"But despite all, it seems that I can't help but feeling bored and unproductive."

"I should be studying for my classes, or working on my projects, but I just can't bring myself to focus.

My mind keeps wandering, and I find myself daydreaming about a life more fulfilling than this one."

As I gaze out the window, I see happy families, kids playing in the park, and a beautiful sunset. Just as I have this thought. A strange meteorite passes by in the sky. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before, and I can't help but feel a sense of unease. But as quickly as it appeared, it's gone, and I shake my head, trying to clear away the strange feeling that's come over me. I decide to call it a night and head to bed. But as I drift off to sleep, I have a dream that I'm a small human working on a small farm.

I tend to the crops and animals, and I feel a sense of purpose that I've never felt before. But as I go about my work, I notice that something's off. The sun isn't rising, the sky is dark, and there's a feeling of dread in the air. As I look up, I see the same meteorite that passed by earlier. It landed in the nearby forest, and strange things are happening. Plants are growing at an alarming rate, animals are changing shape, and the very fabric of reality seems to be unraveling.

In the midst of all this chaos, I suddenly feel something inside me shift. It's like a surge of energy, a power that I've never felt before. And as I look down at my hands, I see that they're burning with an otherworldly fire. It scares me, the more I am scared, the bigger the fire it becomes. It seems like this fire is linked to my emotions.

Out of the curiosity I head to the strange meteorite what landed, but to my surprise I am not able to approach the strange meteorite.

The more I try to encounter it, strange creatures and mysterious forces appear, trying to stop me.

But out of the blue, I woke up and to my surprise nothing happened, just a bad dream. I guess that meteorite scared the hell out of me.

Or so it seemed at first.