Isn’t it dangerous? (12)

Author's note: During the making of the next chapter, the one you see below, I realized that it's not clear enough when the characters have a though compared to when they are speaking, so I'm introducing {} and the name of the person when the specific person is thinking at something and as the last time [] and the name of the person which is talking, when they are having a dialogue. Legends: D – driver, LL – lab lady, G – George, LL/R – Rowena (lab lady).


[LL]: "… but I'm Rowena… "

[G]: "I expected a different name, but it's nice to finally know a little bit about yourself and at least be told something, rather than nothing and not be excluded by anything."

She returns and asks George in a somehow unhappy mood.

[LL/R]: "Like what?"

[G]: "I don't know, I expected something more classic."

[LL/R]: "Classic? You see me like a normal human being? So cute that you think me of that, but you are wrong and arrogant."

[G]: "It's a way to put it into words."

[LL/R]: "Anyway…I told you my name because we might as well know each other a little bit better if we are going to spend time in this trip."

[G]: "So what are we up to in this trip?"

[LL/R]: "Nothing much, but you will find out soon enough when the time is right, but… I might as well tell you."

The man what was driving started coughing like he was signaling her to stay silent.

{G}: 'So that man is not an average muscle man.' said to himself. 'I need to be careful on what I do. Rowena doesn't act like her usual normal way, maybe this guy is her boss or something.'

[D]: "I'm sorry, the allergies are bugging me."

{G}: 'Phew! For a moment my intrusive thoughts won out over being rational. I'm relieved!'

[LL/R]: "Second thoughts... I think I wanna see your expressions when I tell you there."

And so, they continued their car ride until they reached at the destination. She made herself comfortable and started the music to play as she set her eyes on the road.

It felt like ages, but they arrived eventually at some lost place in the mountains. The place they were on seemed like lifeless, abandoned, it was like a disaster occurred there some time ago. It looked like it was some sort of village, with the vegetation slowly starting to be taking over the left-out buildings what remained stable.

[G]: "Did you just dragged me out just to stay in this nothingness?"

[LL/R]: "No dumbass. If we wanted that we just could've went to that debris house, you seem to visit almost daily to train."

[G]: "You know about that?"

[LL/R]: "Of course we know, just because you go in a place nobody you know goes to, that doesn't automatically mean that nobody goes to that place. It's clear enough for some that you go and train there. We saw you do that, and not only me but also my higher-ups. Plus, not only the association knows about your trips but other people from outside know, like people what you already know, but I won't give names because they are under investigation."

[G]: "What's that supposed to mean?"

[LL/R]: "Nothing what's not being taken care of, because you are too careless and not paying attention to your surroundings."

[G]: "I see! Thanks for letting me know! In the future I will pay more attention to it."

[LL/R]: "I'm not saying that just to make myself be over you, to have you with an upper hand or something… Uh… Just… Be careful, you don't know what might happen and that might delay (interfere) us more from actually saving the people from danger. And it doesn't matter that we were at full capacity in the past, now we have this mess with abilities and such crazy stuff… Now that we got things out of the system, let's get inside to tell you the actual reason we are here!"

As she said, they did. The outside of the house looked wasteful, but in the inside, things were totally different by which you could see technologies in every corner your eye was capable on seeing.

The more they walked in that place, the less people you were able to see from the original group. It's like those muscle men were vanishing and they were going missing one by one without saying a word. It kept on like this until they were left out with 2 of those muscle men and Rowena and George.

In a place of full technology, you'd expect to find some way of security, but no, George and everyone else were walking like it didn't even exist like they didn't even needed it.

When in a brink of a moment those bodyguards what were with George and Rowena stopped and some rooms started to rise up, they stopped right in front of it and George and Rowena were in the middle of it.

[LL/R]: "Come here to unlock those handcuffs! And then go stay above any X marks you see in here."

[G]: "I don't follow!"

[LL/R]: "Just do it, you'll see right after what I mean". She was having a small tender of a smile when she said that.

Rowena claps a few times and some chairs, and a table get up from the ground leaving our protagonist speechless by the share of size.

Meanwhile some scientists were coming from the other side, the same way both of them entered the space they were in.

[LL/R]: "This facility we are currently in, is a full of high tech where we experiment the technologies before any giant corporation or state gets their hold on. Just to have an idea of how big and dangerous the stuff we operate on actually are. We test things before anyone has the chance to experiment anything. We test things before the other facilities start experimenting with the same stuff we've been working with for some time. Think of it like an "Area 51" from the memes you know so far. The single difference is that we experiment with very dangerous stuff, so don't wonder anywhere else for all our safety and yours."

[LL/R]: "The reason we brought you here is to make some tests on an actual combat fighting. This is going to help us understand how that fire of yours is working and help improve future tests and the impact of this will be big if we manage to make it work like we intent to."

[LL/R]: "These guys are here to take notes and record, so mostly you'll talk more to me instead of them. That's why I preferred to let you know earlier about my name. I know it's boring to do and say as such, but it's needed."

[LL/R]: "Where were we? Ah, yes, I remember(why). From our prior tests we discovered that the DNA we accumulated by "accident" from you was the key to allow us to go hurt these monsters. The only thing what bothers me is that we have a difficult in progressing anymore with our research. Since we know you've been getting better and better at getting control over your sparks, we could have you fight, or just attack him some plants that we captured."

[G]: "What makes you think I want to do that? Isn't it dangerous? Did you say so?"

[LL/R]: "We talked about this, plus we didn't invite you here just because of a hunch, we made some tests, we have a very good expectation of this, and everything is under control."

[G]: "Invite is a big word. What do I get out of it?"

[LL/R]: "We will allow you access to the relaxation zone, which was recently revamped. Plus, this will also help Alex."

[G]: "So what do I do? And if you know so much about my trips, you are aware that I'm able to get a grip of this sort of powers, but it's not there yet."

[LL/R]: "Try to touch those things!"

[G]: "Are you out of your mind?"

[LL/R]: "These plants are weakened. Think of it like planting some plants, taking care of them, but forgetting to add the sun facto. They are not even able to scratch me."

George after hearing what she said, he was starting to comply with them and headed over the room where they are situated. When he was entering the room, it seemed like something felt odd, but he still went in. He was following the direction of Rowena, and then came the moment to light the fire. A small, tiny flame came out what was increasing and increasing in size and was covering the hand. That fire was exhausting just to keep it burning, but that had to be done for the test.

As he was preparing and slowly getting closer to touch that plant what George wasn't able to see it clearly because of the sparks what were covering his face and because of the room being too dark, he felt something touching his other hand.

{G}: 'It feels like something is attracted to me.'

That touch was getting tougher, like he was getting sucked in something, and thanks to the training he had and to the adrenaline what was flowing with, he was able to react and started to overwhelm his hand, until that thing what kept him strong held stopped.

[G]: "Phe…" and fainted. 


Author's note: What would happen next? Who knows, you'll just have to wait and see.