Girl's day (14) part 2

Legend: A = Ana, D = Danela, M = Marie, "R" = Rowena, and others are being introduced on the go.

[] = the name of the person when they are having a dialogue

{} = the name of the person when they are thinking

They were trying their best to stand up, those shockwaves were strong and hard to balance. Some managed to keep their balance on, while some didn't, but the result was not as expected. The girls were escaping from their hands, but despite their hardest believes, they were not as fast as they wanted to be, Danela was taken by those guys.

The leader of the troops decided to retreat, they did not achieve their complete goal.

[M]: "It doesn't look like they are still onto us!"

[A]: "Oh god... I'm... so... exhausted! It's... too... much...!"

[M]: "You are not fit at all! Haha!"

[A]: "You are... doing gymnastics... for as long... as I know you!"

[M]: "Hahaha! Now that we got some space, what was that thing?"

[A]: "It's nothing, just something weird that started not long ago and I thought it could help us escape from those creeps."

[M]: "Yeah, you are right! So, what should we do now?"

[A]: "I was thinking to call the cops and report this, because that didn't look like normal people. Anyway, let's go to my home! We are alone and can easily escape if they choose to pursue."

After both reached Ana's house, the call to the police was dialed up.

[???]: "Police here! What's the emergency?"

[A]: "We were surrounded by some strange individuals, and they took hostage our friend."

[???]: "I am sorry to hear that! Where were you and when that happened?"

[A]: "We somehow managed to escape, but I feel very bad for my friend! We were in a park earlier."

[???]: "Where are you right now? Are you safe?"

[A]: "I'm at home and we are safe for now!"

[???]: "Understood! I'll send a team there!"

[A]: "Thank you!"

[???]: "And who might be talking, miss?"

[A]: "I'm Ana! And please come fast!"

[???]: "The team is on the way. That would be all?"

[A]: "Yes!"

[???]: "The call ended, and they were not showing no second thoughts because probably of the adrenaline they accumulated. Rowena, I give the case to you and don't mess it up like the first team!". The transmission to the lab lady was made via a radio channel.

[R]: "Understood sir!"

{R}: "Why do I have to do the job others were not able to do? It feels like picking up the trash bit by bit. Send a woman because they won't expect it. I hate this, but this is for the greatest good."

[R]: "Hello, ladies! Me and my colleague were sent by the operator you spoke earlier."

[A]: "Hi! Thank you for coming!"

[R/D]: "My name is Dolka, and my colleague is Jennifer. Can you tell us in more detail what happened?"

The name Dolka and Jennifer are fake names from the association. Jennifer is although lower ranked then Dolka, or as we know her as Rowena.

[A]: "Yeah! So, we were walking in a park while..."

[J]: "I see!"

Marie also was there explaining with Ana but didn't participate at first in the discussion.

The agents nodded when they hear the story of the girls and this was not saw as a bad thing, even if they didn't have a bad intention order than to help, but they had to follow pursuit the given orders. Thus, they put them to sleep with a chloroform dipped in cloth.

[J]: "I'm sorry, but this had to be done! I hope you understand when you wake up!"

It was easy for them to do this thanks to the fact that women are better seen than men in these cases, like compassion and are easily trustable. They treat the girls with care and take them to their closes base in which they will be interrogated individually in the same place Danela was send.

[R]: "This is not the best approach by far, in fact this is one of the worst! They will probably be too scared to even talk, or don't talk at all."

[J]: "Sadly, I agree! This was not even our choice. In my place I would've chosen to talk to them casually and explain."

[R]: "Huh... Clean the traces we were here after we are done!"

Danela was the only one what was awake and wasn't very happy with the abduction and did the life of those men very hard as she was not very cooperative with them.

The first one what was interrogated was Danela, because she was the only one awake, and not affected by that substance.

[D]: "What do you plan on doing to me? Why did you follow us? What do you want from me and my friends? What do you have to gain in abducting a uni student? I guess being here wasn't the plan on this evening..." She didn't know that her friends were brought up later.

[J]: "There's nothing to worry if you tell us what we want to know! This is just a procedure! For a start, who was the one to come with the idea to publish that video and what was the reason?"

[D]: "Fine... I was the one to come with the idea. To get some additional money to have around! I just want everything to end already...!"

[J]: "No worries, dear, as long as you tell us everything! The next question is, do you have powers? Like elements you find in movies or games?"

[D]: "Eh? Are you mocking me? Never!"

From a backway mirror, Rowena was watching and couldn't hold it anymore.

[R]: "Tell us already!"

Danela was even more frightened by the sudden loud voice and almost came crying.

[D]: "Yikes! I don't know anything!"

Rowena closed the mic and was disappointed.

[R]: "Let's go to the other girls and see what they have to say!"

The next one was the sleepy Marie what was waking up from her sleep and she forgot she was captured so her reaction would be like any other person waking up into an unknown place. The outcome was more of less similar to the one with Danela, but Rowena was losing her patience the more the time was passing.

[R]: "Ok, it's time for you! Tell us about that video you recorded with your friends. And don't play dumb."

[A]: "What do you want to know?"

[R]: "Why did you do it, and what do you think of its content?"

[A]: "It's just weird, I mean... how would you expect me to react when a guy emits flames like in tv series or anime. And we did it for money."

[R]: "Which one of you has powers like that?"

[A]: "I don't know what you are talking about, you got the wrong pal!"

{A}: 'After what she pulled on me, I don't trust her!'

[R]: "If it's about what we did earlier, you should thank us. If we weren't there, things might have escalated, and you might've have gotten hurt."

[A]: "Eh? You had the chance to talk to us, instead of doing that to me and my friends!"

[R]: "Then what about a blood test? We have a way to detect it. What about now? Do you still not remember?"

[A]: "The one you are talking is me. We don't have to do it. Or if you don't believe me, do as you say and do your stupid test already!"

Rowena went and did the test to be clear, as she knew the thrust in her was gone.

[R]: "It seems you are indeed telling the truth. You are the only one out of you 3. And by my guess it's related to earth?"

[A]: "I can control the vibration of the objects I touch!"

[R]: "Mhmm, close! Now that we cleared everything up, my workmates will let you go. I was the only one I worked with you, so I will let you go and explain why we acted like we did. The reason was to get the absolute truth out of you. You see the public shouldn't know about this subject yet, we are still researching ways and we are in the dark, plus there are people what are affected in a negative way. You seem to be one of the lucky ones and as you guessed George, your classmate is one of them, or the first we found out. The others are unable to be awake, but manifest slight signs of abilities. I'd recommend not to talk about this subject with anyone! Not even George!"

{R}: 'I know she'll try to do that, even after I have just said it not to!'

Author's note: Fun fact when I was writing this side story. I had the bad habit to write girls as grills. Maybe my inner self is hungry for some grilled food.