After the escape (17)


G = George, LK = Lost King

() = The thoughts of the author

[] = When they are having a dialogue

{} = When they are thinking of something, but don't want to share it with others


The animals were moving past George while he was gulping on berries and the enjoyed the life they were having and that made that lake with the clear view to be too astonishing, George failed to notice a bear approaching him and a large shadow was growing.

[G]: "Huh? What is this… uhhh… what a big bear you are!"

The bear looked like he was hungry, and George was something like, "Are you kidding me? Can't I talk a break from all of that?" And so he remembered that in order to scare away a bear, you'd have to make big noises and sure of that, he started doing so and lighted up his body, sure the clothes started burning as well, but other he didn't have other solution what came to mind.

{G}: 'It sure worked, but at what cost?'

The bear was sure bothered by the flame and left, and that gave enough time for George to jump into the water to stop the flame. When he came out of water, he was red hot, as he is affected with burnings when he does that, but that normally gets healed in a matter of minutes.

[G]: "It sure feels nice, besides the meeting with the bear! But now I have to thing on what I'll do! I believe the best choice is to move along the river what's flowing past the waterfall, and I should be careful with the animal predators. After all I am in a forest, and I'll be seen as a potential food source. If I don't want to get stuck in the middle of this, again."

As said, George was moving along the river and nothing happened for a while and just to be sure he would be safe from the animals, he picked up a stick to travel with, but somehow as things started to look better and better for George, 2 daggers were coming along the way towards him. It was from that man, the something king and he had probably a way to find him, and it was clear as day that he was the target.

One of those daggers what came missed and dropped further somewhere in the vegetation while the second one hit the left shoulder and stopped in a tree next to George, and he was screaming in pain. The cut what was made was so deep, that you could see from the other side. Thankfully the ability to heal was something what George had, and it instantly started burning and, the feeling of healing was too unbearable because it was trying to heal and at the same time was giving him a boiling effect. On small cuts he feels a small sensation of tickling, but that was not a small cut by any means. The next thing he did was to hide and don't let him have another clear shot at him and give him enough time to let the wound to heal, to run.

Despite all of that, the self-proclaimed king came rushing, and not making a sound, not showing his presence.

[LK]: "Did you forget about me?"

George used the stick he had with him and attacked and failed miserably.

[G]: "How did you find me?"

[LK]: "You used your little scorch, didn't you?" He said with a smile on his face.

[G]: "No! No, you did not!"

Socked, he grabbed some dirt and threw some at him, he gets enough time to run, but then the other guy picks up the dagger from the tree and throws it and hits George's leg and falls on the ground unable to move and making the pain even worse. George struggled, but then the other guy jumps on top of him, removes the dagger and as he is ready to do it for good, a rock comes flying and pushes backwards the lost king.

[???]: "I can't keep on watching and do nothing!"

Glad to see this, he gets enough time to leave both to fight as he is not made for that.

[LK]: "Another one? Then I should take care of you first!"

LK shoots a beam and that guy what came to help, lifts his leg, and forcefully put it down. And like such he made a created a shield out of dirt and rocks to protect him. It was astonishing to watch. And then he punched the rocks and small counterparts flew towards LK and he was overwhelmed. Needless to say, things were looking good, so good in fact that LK was retreating. And then that person what just saved George was coming to him.

[???]: "Are you alright? Do you need medical help?"

[G]: "I'm fine, do you have some bandages? This is not to let is get infected."

[???]: "You sure about that? That didn't look good!"

[G]: "It's not needed, they will heal by themselves. Thank you for saving me! By the way, I'm George!"

[???]: "It's nice to make your acquaintance. I'm Matteo! Are you sure you don't need it? It looks bad, very bad!"

[G]: "Alright! If you insist so! Help me get to a safe space until they heal, it's not going to take a long time! I've seen you can use dirt as a weapon, can you create a space for me to sit down?"

[M]: "Yes I can, just a moment!"

In just a moment he did as that, he made a place to sit as well as a place to lie down. And then went to get some leaves to make everything feel smoother.

[G]: "Also, don't mind me asking, I was just wondering. But do you know what happened? Who is this guy? And how did you know where I was because I guess you wouldn't be randomly passing by in a forest like this one and you came in clutch, without you I'd be probably gone at this point!"

[M]: "Surprisingly, I do train around this place some time to time and today I got close and felt different and I had to check."

[G]: "I'm sorry for all of this questions, but did you get your powers from the meteorite like me?"

[M]: "Yes, I was walking around this same forest the day it happened. It was so splendid to watch! I couldn't take my eyes off! The green-ish color what got along with the forest what was lighted up, it was like it became one with itself!" 

[G]: "Then that means you go to that dream world when… You know… Dream?"

[M]: "What? I don't know what you are talking about. I don't sleep with dreams."