A fragile end (20)


G = George

() = The thoughts of the author,

[] = When they are having a dialogue,

{} = When they are thinking of something, but don't want to share it with others.

On that day after the talk with Ana, in the dreamworld, Alex was feeling a little bit confident with his powers and started practicing. He was jumping higher than usual and made some breeze of air to cool down. Alex managed to jump from the ground up to the tree he usually stands by with 3 jumps, when normally that would take him a much longer time and many more steps.

The lost king in the meanwhile already was planning on how to get over the guy what helped George as it seems he has a felling they are known to each other for some time. LK was planning and is not fully interested in Matteo, but the only one what seemed to be a bother to his plans was George because of the fact that he was alive and well and could put a stop to his plans. The same plans George doesn't know about and he's not aware of how he could put a stop. The only interest George had and still has was saving the little kid.

[LK]: "Damn it! How is he able to cross between our world and theirs? I had a calling from one of my monsters about someone related who's dangerous and when I find this guy, I see that he's been to our world in the past, but he is not actually from our world… Before I had contact with him, I felt his powers, weak and fragile. I should've have taken care of him instead of playing with him."

[LK]: "What's this feeling? It's different, but similar to that guy. Is there anyone using powers? It's unexpected since as I have control over everyone in the kingdom… and this one is different. I will have some minions track it down."

And LK did as he said. He put some of the local villagers, to hunt and capture the source of that feeling.

As Alex was enjoying himself, oddly there was some people with some beast dogs coming to where he was standing, as something like that was totally unheard of to Alex since he was there. At first Alex was questioning and then started to be afraid once they were approaching.

The villagers kept saying words like:

[V1]: "Hunt, hunt, hunt as the great one made us!"

[V2]: "As the great, great, great one ordered! We shall do!"

[V3]: "His word! Our action!"

The scared Alex started running, but that was too late, as the dog beasts took track of his steps. The dogs were barking and growling even louder signaling to the villagers they are close to their target. And the speed of their operations increased as they located the closest area their target was and some of the people were having some stone swords, other some bows and the others were not having anything with them as they were some casters and not magic casters, elemental casters what control the environment.

Some of those casters were controlling the nature and as such they were controlling the movement and could capture Alex if he was standing idle for some time.

Anyway, the villagers got so close to Alex that they were able, in fact, to create a 3-sided wall to capture him and used some vines to block his escapes attempts.

[V4]: "This is it, the great one! We did as we were told! The pray was caught!"

[V2]: "We shall give it to you our pray as your request!"

One of the hunters was able to notify the LK of their success.

[LK]: "We got him! Now bring him to me! There are things I want to uncover!"

Returning to George, as the day was about to end, he was thinking on the future, again. This day was eye opening for him on what should he be doing. He came to realize with the help of Ana that he should advance to finding out the secret, getting stronger and being even more careful of his encounter with Rowena. He had a lot to talk to Alex about this day and his plans.

[G]: "Tomorrow, not today, cuz I'm a tired, will plan to finally go to that meteorite. And if I will meet in the future with that guy Matteo, I should ask to help me train as he's more experience than me!"

When he joined the dream world, when his body from his world went to sleep, his sound as normal went to the dream world in the place he slept before exiting that world. As the last time, he came to search for Alex, but he couldn't find any hint of him. Not even a tread of hope. The only thing what seemed suspicious was the behavior of the nearby villagers. It was like they were celebrating something, something they did not do in the past from his memories and George was not feeling like he should get close to them.

Most of the night spent was looking for Alex and thinking of the worsts, as he should, and after all he's a kid who's mostly alone for half a day and still a kid who's been throw a lot. At the end of his journey on that world, he was not able to find him, and he became more and more worried.

The next day he called Rowena using the device he got from her to ask if Alex's behavior has changed.

[R]: "How did you know? Did something happen?"

[G]: "Not sure, it's just my gut, but I cannot find him in the dream world. What happened with him? Is he stable?"

[R]: "No, he is not. His vitals are spiking, and they are not dropping at all."

[G]: "I think this is related to the meteorite. I want to check it out!"

[R]: "But you are not strong enough, do you remember what happened a few days ago?"

[G]: "I know, but I'm scared that worse things might happen if I don't go. Anyway, I wanted to check it out for some time."

[R]: "You are not thinking straight! But I won't stop you, if that's how much you value yourself!"

[G]: "Today's I don't want to hear any of your tricks! I'm going either way!" After that, George let the transmission box stand idle in the kitchen and he was preparing the essentials, some water, some food and some clothes.

[R]: "Tsssst! He gives only problems and headaches! I have to do something about him! I'll ask for a team on the higher-ups to check on him."