Chapter 7, Dealings and requirements

After pushing past the conversations involving Luci's questionable choices and trying to understand the enigma tuning out the details of Luci's content and of 'her creations' and the contracts she'll hold with Serafall's animations and publishing companies. Notably Luci also demonstrated during this time that none of what she said was a lie as she created a few examples of magical girls that was likely going to end up adding to Serafall's peerage first in the deal- most notably two of them being sailor moon and Liner Prisma Illya, both intentionally having power levels displayed from their bodies, which Luci also changed to further prove a point.

Leaning over the table trying to appear affectionate and playful to garner better favor from the woman in front of her, Serafall questions with an equally playful smile, "So what do you want for the Sona chan's bodyguards and my peerage magical girls members~?!"

Luci simply wills a list of names to appear on the table infront of Serafall before speaking, "Ironically despite your position you don't have much to offer me, I'm already getting citizenship and a high potential income because the contract for manga and anime I'm essentially giving you from different realities. You set up opportunities for me to 'court' people on the list, make them view me favorably or assist me in getting a romantic relationship with them, if the relationship works out the 'being I create for you' will get an according power boost, it fails and you still keep the being if I already created them for you or helping, keeping all the boosts I've already given them- they could continue growing on their own but I wouldn't be boosting them anymore." 

Serafall nods, listening to Luci's words while her gaze passes over the list, becoming more skeptical over the names listed, also concerned when she sees a few, "... My name is on the list Luci-chan?" Serafall questions first, deciding the other names she intends to ask about will be next... she just gets most concerned due to her name being near the top of the list with notes on the side of the paper detailing the order of names indicates relative priority. 

Luci scoffs lightly while smirking at Serafall, "First I'd recommend your little sister leave the room for now, my flirting can be questionable sometimes and she'll probably get embarrassed by seeing her otaku sis-con older sister get courted by one of her teachers~" she finishes for a moment with a chuckle as she leans forward over the table a little while propping her head up on her hand over the table. 

Serafall seems to be taken aback somewhat for a moment with a mild blush coating her cheeks, while her sister, much to her betrayal, Sona slinks out of the student council room, hoping her sis-con sister gets some karma for embarrassing her so much in the past.

"... b-but, I'm a d-devil, a Satan specifically... I can't do things that aren't helpful to my race without risking my position Luci-chan... it's not fair to tease a girl like this!" Serafall exclaims out of distress.

To which Luci responds with, "If you get into a relationship with me- it's best for you to know I enjoy spoiling my partners most of the time, I'd likely end up killing those oldie council devils that toy around between both your faction and the old Satan faction so much for their own plans, I'd need my waifu to myself a lot of the time after all~"

"... e-eh? D-do you not care about me being an O-Otaku? M-most people can't take me seriously as a satan because of it..." Serafall ever more confused, interested and somewhat concerned as conversation between them continue. 

"Why would I judge your hobbies, I quit working because I couldn't find what I wanted to do or get a good work/life balance." As the grin grows at her face while looking back at Serafall, Luci continues, "So what if you wanna dress up and cosplay because you grew a bit tired of being so formal and working so much? I'm personally willing to join the hot and cute cosplayer in front of me for a few comicons now and then, or roleplay some spicy scenarios with her~"

Serafall averts her gaze, further embarrassed as her face flushes red as she speaks in a shier and quieter tone then before, "i-I'm wi-willing to try i-if you make a g-good bodyguard f-for S-Sona-chan's peerage..." 

Luci chuckles quietly while watching Serafall's antics, while also willing something comparable to a pureblooded devil that looks like her but with a modified and superior bloodline into existence beside her, "We'll need to decide a name but first I'll tell you the details of what she can do, given that your sister is still well connected to and somewhat reliant on your family, who are in the medical business focus to my knowledge, I gave the soon to be bodyguard here a modified Phenex bloodline, the vessel is a pureblooded devil to avoid any complications, she won't become exhausted from making tears but she'll be limiting the amount she makes to avoid market crashes. She's also connected to my consciousness, I control the body with a portion of my mind, so it would be right in a way to say she's a part of me. A clone with a different bloodline and ability focus." 

"Mmmm... ok... I'd like to take the relationship slow because the circumstances are pretty weird..." Serafall states in a similar tone of voice to the one she spoke in before, "Also- what about these other names? I saw Grayfia- also Rias to closer to the bottom of the list... are you trying to get me to help you steal from Sirzechs- or shouldn't you at least talk to him about these because he's more closely related with some of these people?"

"Heeehhhh? The offer I gave you pertaining to the list also extends to him because he's under somewhat similar circumstances as you- Rias is low on the list because her personality, she's a bit to spoiled and manipulative right now for waifu taste, as for Grayfia, there's many cases from what I've seen in alternate realities where Sirzechs takes Grayfia for granted or abuses the state of their relationship, I'd gladly take the maid off his hands if that's the case in this reality, if it's not, I'll satisfy my maid fetish by either getting you to cosplay something different or resurrecting and taking one of the girl's ancestors." Luci states calmly while maintaining the same grin in Serafall's direction, only a tint more lustful while thinking about putting the Otaku in a maid outfit for some time and indulging herself. 

"That bit aside- the list isn't just people I've planned to get you to pursue, it's all my love interests- or at least all the women I plan to fuck if not get in a relationship with at some point. Most of them aren't devils, nor are they in this reality-" she snaps her fingers as if remembering something before speaking again, "Which reminds me, whenever I'm in bed with you, I'll be giving you a massive boost in strength and such so you can manage in bed with me somewhat, it'll be somewhat temporary because I'd like to get you addicted to letting me have my way with you~ however you won't feel the sluggish or the like when that strength is removed from you, the comparison would be feeling like a newborn infant with no muscles or control versus you as you are now, so that's something I'll be changing." 

While doing her best to ignore the comments made by the woman infront of her who's expressing a growing aura of 'charm' Serafall responds as calmly as she can yet does so in a very shy voice, "I th-thought I mentioned slowly..." deciding to change topics for her advantage she continues, "I'll explain the details of the new... peerage member? for my sister- and also the deal proposal to Sirzechs for you..." beginning to stand up, Serafall plans to leave Luci alone in the student council room, tired of being embarrassed due to this damn charm messing with her mind.

"mmm- before you go I need to do something..." causing Serafall to look at her in confusion- or at least look where Luci was, as Luci appeared behind the standing Serafall and pressed her own chest into Serafall's back while wrapping her arms around the Otaku's waistline. She decides to keep her lower body from pressing against Serafall so the dear Otaku she intends to claim won't get freaked out by an unexpected rod between her lower cheeks. 

With a sweet whisper into Serafall's ear Luci speaks, "I'm going to claim you eventually when you'll have me, and you'll enjoy it when I do~" while she started nibbling lightly on the bottom of Serafall's left ear while continuing to lean her head forward. Using one hand to gently glide a few fingers over Serafall's core (her lower abdomen) and lower almost to her legs but stops abruptly, as she vanishes from the room leaving a very distressed, turned on, and flustered Serafall behind.

While appearing back on the roof, happy that she doesn't have to create or maintain clones to do more classes then the only one she teaches because it seems that wasn't much of a subject that was cared for in the heat of the moment, she decides to start working towards seducing one of her hotter and sexier students, planning to make Akeno her own, after all the girl does have a very appealing personality and fetishes to her~